By way of introduction my career has vacillated somewhat between writing scripts and composing music. Scripting has been for film and TV - 5 years on Number 96, a few episodes on other shows and 3 low budget features in early 90s that came out on video and 2 of which sold to Channel 9. Composing has been for film and concert, and it's more recently that I've taken to writing plays as this serves my enthusiasm for dialogue and comedy-driven work that I think will have wide appeal: on themes subversive to mainstream conventions of today, as were the plays of G.B. Shaw for the conventions of the 1890s!

Attached are thumbnails of plays written, in case any might spark interest. In which case I can send you and any of your colleagues reading files (PDF format) if you should so desire. (Some double as the plays from which opera libretti will be derived as opportunity allows, marked *).